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Yokohama National University

Yokohama, Japan

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YNU values international students and the diversity they bring to our campus. We have years of experience in hosting enthusiastic international students and researchers. As a result, there is a range of languages, culture, religions, and values in YNU, as well as systems and environments in place to harness such diversity and enrich campus life for all. Together with international students, YNU will continuously strive to be a vibrant educational hub with a diverse student body, and will continue to disseminate world-class educational and research achievements to create a better future.

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5 Reasons to Study at YNU

1. Cutting-edge Research
As an "international focal point of practical scholarship", YNU cultivates and applies knowledge that contributes to the welfare of people in Japan and beyond, as well as to the sustainable development of society.

2. Practical Education
Based on the deep-rooted history and tradition of Yokohama as a thriving city of trade, commerce, and industry, YNU carries on the advanced and practical scholarship to cultivate globally-competitive talents.

3. Ideal Location and Environment
The green Tokiwadai Campus located in Yokohama, the second largest city in Japan, creates a park-like atmosphere, and has an excellent environment for studying and researching, as well as a relaxed campus life.

4. Excellent Facilities and Student Support
YNU aspires to serve as a vibrant educational hub for a diverse body of students by providing unique services and systems for international students, along with student facilities.

5. Affordable Expenses and Successful Career Paths
Studying at YNU is markedly economical. After graduation, a distinctively large number of international students find employment in major Japanese companies or advance to prestigious Japanese graduate schools.

Programas Graduação

Please visit our website for more information

Programas Pós-Graduação

Please visit our website for more information

Outros Programas / Bolsas de Estudo

Please visit our website for more information

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Brochuras, Guias de inscrição, informações de bolsa

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