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Tottori University

Tottori, Yonago, Tottori

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Funded in 1949, Tottori University is a national university consisting of four undergraduate faculties and five graduate schools.

Tottori University is devoted to education, research, and social contribution with its basic philosophy of “Fusion of knowledge and Practice” to deepen knowledge and acquire the theory through practice activities, as well as to contribute to society ranging widely from the local community to international society.

As of May 2023, Tottori University has 165 International Students from 27 countries a d regions.They study hard with Japanese students with the help of each assigned instructor. They also participate in the events held by the University and local communities and deepen their understanding of Japanese culture.

*This time, Tottori University will focus on the "United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences" which has an English program.

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・Less than 10 minutes commute
Accommodation at the International house is offered to international students of Tottori University in their first year. The residence is conveniently located a mere 10-minute walk from the University.

・Average rent 32,000 yen
There are a lot of private apartments nearby and you can walk from there to the University. The rent is much lower than those in urban areas.

・Scholarships for Privately Funded International students
There are many scholarships for privately Funded International students .There is also a tuition waiver system. All or half of the tuition fee of almost all students who satisfy the predetermined standard are waived.

・Support for Living
Tottori University supports and extends assistance to International Students, including the manegement of emigration/immigration and the status of residence, securing accommodations, and informtion provision and selection related to scholar ships."

Programas Graduação

(Undergraduate Programs Taught in Japanese)
Faculty of Regional Sciences
Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Engineering
Faculty of Agriculture"

Programas Pós-Graduação

United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences(Doctoral Course)
Graduate school of Engineering (Doctoral Course)

Graduate school of Medical Sciences(Master's and of Doctoral Course)
Graduate School of Sustainability Science(Master's Course)
・Regional Science
・Agricultural Science Course
・Dryland Science Course


Outros Programas / Bolsas de Estudo

Tuition fee exemptions

Materiais e Downloads

Brochuras, Guias de inscrição, informações de bolsa

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