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Tokyo University of Agriculture

Tokyo / Kanagawa / Hokkaido, Japan

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Tokyo University of Agriculture, in short Tokyo NODAI, was founded in 1891 and was devoted exclusively to "Agriculture".

Based upon our educational principle of "return students to the farm" and fostering human resources from entry into the business community in addition to the university's core field of "Agriculture" with its 130-year history, the institution has now evolved into a comprehensive agricultural university perfectly positioned to solve a wide range of issues related to food, environment, health and biomass energy.

These issues are addessed through our three graduate schools of Agriculture, Applied Bioscience and Bioindustry constituing 23 deartments on our three campuses which cover a vast geographical region extending from subtropical (South) to temperate (North) climate conditions.

Tokyo NODAI offers a unique education and research environment to address humankind problems both locally and golobally. Our Miyako subtropical, Fuji, Isehara and Abashiri farms and Okutama Practice Forest and Marine Research Center are meant to fulfill our mission.

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Tokyo NODAI offers a unique education and research environment to address humankind problems both locally and golobally. Our Miyako subtropical, Fuji, Isehara and Abashiri farms and Okutama Practice Forest and Marine Research Center are meant to fulfill our mission.

Programas Graduação

All of our undergraduate programs are basically conducted in Japanese.

Programas Pós-Graduação

Some of our graduate programs are conducted in English. 
Dept. of Agricultural Engineering, Dept. of International Agricultural Development and Dept. of Agribusiness Management are the major home departments of our International Students.

Outros Programas / Bolsas de Estudo

Materiais e Downloads

Brochuras, Guias de inscrição, informações de bolsa

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