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Ritsumeikan APU - College of Sustainability and Tourism

Beppu / Oita

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"Together we will build a sustainable society."

At the College of Sustainability and Tourism that APU plans to open in April 2023, students will work with diverse and high-level faculties from 12 countries and regions (as of 2022) to address such issues, as well the formation of recycling-oriented communities, learning about climate change and the value of local culture, history, and environment through tourism, as an important part of all of us living in the 21st century.

We aim to create “graduates who possess the power to change the world” while focusing on the concepts of both the realization of a sustainable society and global, cutting-edge, sustainable tourism. By acquiring not only basic and specialized knowledge, but also critical thinking, analysis, and problem-solving skills, as well as communication and multicultural collaboration skills. We will develop human resources, global citizens that can deal with many social issues and act based on a sense of responsibility.

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- Student Body 5516 (46% international students)
-98% English or Japanese Classes (You do not need to understand any Japanese to apply for us)
-Students from 95 countries & regions
- New College and AP House scholarship

APU tuition reduction scholarship
- 91% of our international students have received it from 30% to 100%.
NEW AP House global community scholarship

Programas Graduação


Programas Pós-Graduação

-Master’s in Asia Pacific Studies (APS)
-Master’s in International Cooperation Policy (ICP)
-Master of Business Administration (MBA) Ph.D./Doctoral
-Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies

Outros Programas / Bolsas de Estudo

Materiais e Downloads

Brochuras, Guias de inscrição, informações de bolsa

©2021 by Study in Japan Brasil

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Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba

Escritório Study in Japan Brasil

Avenida Prof. Lúcio Martins Rodrigues, 310 - Bloco B 05508-020 - Butantã, São Paulo - SP, 05508-020, Brazil

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