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Nanzan University

Nagoya, Japan

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Nanzan is among Japan's leading

At the heart of Nagoya, Japan, Nanzan University was founded in 1946 as a college of foreign languages. Today, Nanzan has grown into a fully-fledged university with 8 undergraduate faculties and 6 graduate schools, as well as the Center for Japanese Studies (CJS). It’s now home to approximately 10,000 students, including over more than 300 international students. We continue to explore internationalization that is congruent with our educational motto “For Human Dignity.”
International students of undergraduate and graduate programs are eligible for 50 % tuition fee exemption. A variety of scholarships are also available for students, which will lessen the burden the school life expenses. For more information, check the website.

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Nanzan is among Japan's leading

From modest beginnings as a College of Foreign Languages in 1946, Nanzan took a small step to become a single Faculty of Arts and Letters in 1949 and has since grown into a fully-fledged university with a worldwide reputation for academic excellence. Today, Nanzan is among」apan's leading catholic universities, with approximately 10,000 students, including over 300 international students. With 8 undergraduate faculties and 6 graduate schools, as well as the Center for Japanese Studies, we continue to explore internationalization that is in synch with our educational motto "For Human Dignity". By learning together with people from other cultures and languages, we get a more complete picture of what it means to be a human being; each of us becomes richer by learning first hand, through actual experience and integration, about the great diversity that constitutes our common human dignity.

Undergraduate programs: 8 faculties, 17 departments

Graduate programs: 6 graduate schools, 14 programs

Programas Graduação

Programas Pós-Graduação

Outros Programas / Bolsas de Estudo

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Brochuras, Guias de inscrição, informações de bolsa

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