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Nagoya University

Nagoya, Japan

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Nagoya University (NU) was first founded in 1871 as a temporary hospital and medical school. After undergoing several transitions, NU was established as an imperial university in 1939, and it has grown to be one of the world’s top research universities.

Throughout its history, NU has maintained a free and vibrant academic culture. Conducting research and education on all aspects of human beings, society, and nature, the University pursues its goal of contributing to the well-being and happiness of humankind.

Nagoya University's fundamental objective is to cultivate leaders with genuine courage and intellect. We call such leaders “Yuuki-aru Chishiki-jin”, that is individuals who are able to harness their courage, curiosity, and creativity to fully, yet responsibly, exploit their freedom with their educational and research endeavors.

Our multi-disciplinary curriculum is designed to cultivate ethical leaders who are able to develop innovative solutions, through inquiry and analysis, with strong communication and teamwork skills to be productive members of the global environment.

Nagoya University welcomes highly motivated students who share this vision to apply to our programs.

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- Over 95% of our undergraduate students receive job offers prior to their graduation
- 6 Nobel Laureates in Japan since 2000 are from Nagoya University
- NU is a research-intensive university: NU receives the most significant government grants and is ranked 3rd and 4th among Japanese universities in terms of number of patents registered in the United States and in Japan (2000-2009)
- Home to over 20 research institutes
- 14 graduate schools, 9 undergraduate schools, 3 research institutes and 18 research centers
- Home to approximately 17,000 students (more than 2000 international-15% of students body)
- More than 400 academic exchange partners worldwide

Programas Graduação

- Automotive Engineering (Mechanical Engineering/Electrical, Electronic Information Engineering)
- Physics Science
- Chemistry (Engineering/Science)
- Biological Science (Science/Agricultural Sciences)
- Social Science (Law)
- Social Science (Economics)
- Japan-in-Asia Cultural Studies

Programas Pós-Graduação

- Automotive Engineering (Mechanical Engineering/Electrical, Electronic Information Engineering)
- Physics Science
- Chemistry (Engineering/Science)
- Biological Science (Science/Agricultural Sciences)
- Social Science (Law)
- Social Science (Economics)
- Japan-in-Asia Cultural Studies

Outros Programas / Bolsas de Estudo

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