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Kyoto Institute of Culture and Language

Kyoto, Kyoto

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One of the big differences of KICL from other Japanese language schools is that it shares the same campus as Kyoto university of the arts, and the college Kyoto institute of Design.

With the students of these three schools studying together on the same campus, there are many opportunities to interact with students and Japanese people.

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Our school located on the university campus
・Students can participate in university clubs and use university facilities
・KICL is very international and has students from all over the world(Currently there are 321 students from 29 different countries)

Programas Graduação

Programas Pós-Graduação

Outros Programas / Bolsas de Estudo

•Japanese Language Institute at Kyoto university of the arts, and the college Kyoto institute of Design Campus

Materiais e Downloads

Brochuras, Guias de inscrição, informações de bolsa

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