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Osaka, Osaka

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"One of the leading vocational schools in Western Japan"

Yamaguchi Gakuen is one of the largest vocational schools, located in Osaka, with over 3,000 students. We emphasize on Japanese language proficiency, and provide high quality lessons that are enjoyable.

Our international students have a lot of opportunities to interact with our Japanese students on a daily basis.

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- Located in the center of Osaka, Umeda
- Provide a lot of opportunities to interact with Japanese people.
- Having teachers specialized in helping students to move on to higher education and getting a job.
- Intensive Japanese language classes

Programas Graduação

-Game Programming Development Course
-CG Design Course
-Game Development Expert Course
-Systems Engineering Course
-IT Development Course
-Web Development Course
-Web Design Course IT Development Expert Course
-Global Business Course
-Global Hotel Course
-General English Course
-Japanese Language Course

Programas Pós-Graduação

Outros Programas / Bolsas de Estudo

-Japanese Language Course

1) ECC shcolarship program 10,000yen / month
2) Commuter pass discount

Materiais e Downloads

Brochuras, Guias de inscrição, informações de bolsa

©2021 by Study in Japan Brasil

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Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba

Escritório Study in Japan Brasil

Avenida Prof. Lúcio Martins Rodrigues, 310 - Bloco B 05508-020 - Butantã, São Paulo - SP, 05508-020, Brazil

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